Statistics: Shut the boxes

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General game statistics of Shut the boxes

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 98 (19.88%) 395 (80.12%) 493 (0.69%)
English 9 966 (31.45%) 21 727 (68.55%) 31 693 (44.28%)
Español 3 320 (21.25%) 12 305 (78.75%) 15 625 (21.83%)
Français 2 902 (30.14%) 6 725 (69.86%) 9 627 (13.45%)
Italiano 497 (13.31%) 3 237 (86.69%) 3 734 (5.22%)
Português 1 713 (23.79%) 5 489 (76.21%) 7 202 (10.06%)
русский 500 (20.18%) 1 978 (79.82%) 2 478 (3.46%)
Srpski 440 (61.45%) 276 (38.55%) 716 (1%)
Total 19 436 (27.16%) 52 132 (72.84%) 71 568
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 98 (19.88%) 395 (80.12%) 493 (0.69%)
English 9 966 (31.45%) 21 727 (68.55%) 31 693 (44.28%)
Español 3 320 (21.25%) 12 305 (78.75%) 15 625 (21.83%)
Français 2 902 (30.14%) 6 725 (69.86%) 9 627 (13.45%)
Italiano 497 (13.31%) 3 237 (86.69%) 3 734 (5.22%)
Português 1 713 (23.79%) 5 489 (76.21%) 7 202 (10.06%)
русский 500 (20.18%) 1 978 (79.82%) 2 478 (3.46%)
Srpski 440 (61.45%) 276 (38.55%) 716 (1%)
Total 19 436 (27.16%) 52 132 (72.84%) 71 568

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~71 57519.26134.8577.77 034

Duration of games :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. betito: 1 142 games played
  2. alaa1970127: 860 games played
  3. Daredevil: 702 games played
  4. Astro: 643 games played
  5. fleur-de-lys: 631 games played
  6. jeanlucdo: 580 games played
  7. kayodo: 527 games played
  8. Camaleonte: 486 games played
  9. LeoRose: 384 games played
  10. tsugumi: 363 games played
  11. miroslav: 357 games played
  12. asus: 288 games played
  13. guepard-blanc: 281 games played
  14. martaacebedo: 280 games played
  15. Gaga.S: 270 games played
  16. lucasaribe: 259 games played
  17. mare: 255 games played
  18. kamilo10: 245 games played
  19. Monica67: 225 games played
  20. helleon: 223 games played
  21. anaivancevic: 219 games played
  22. igorvelkov: 219 games played
  23. BADRBADR: 213 games played
  24. mimosa: 212 games played
  25. afrim: 212 games played
  26. saad.almasry: 203 games played
  27. Gatspi: 200 games played
  28. Beppe92: 195 games played
  29. andkuk: 189 games played
  30. maki.82: 184 games played

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