Girls-boys uno tournament

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61. YNWA,

Badgirl means the games are best of 3. It means if you win the first 2 games and your oponent wins no games you don't have to play the third game.

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62. His-girlfriend ,

Next change. Adventure-time goes for reserve list as he has some problems, and in his place Heleon tries to fight with Ceyda. Good luck.

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63. Vojvoda ,

To be honest I don't get it

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64. Paddy_Irishman,

i think you'll get it when it starts. hahahaha

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65. Vojvoda ,

Thanks to Ynva, he explained me

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66. His-girlfriend ,

No, no. I mean there will be a 3 games, so after 3 games, score 250 to be faster, there will be no doubts that one of players is better. If you play only one short game that can be just unluck or luck. Lets say that Heleon and Ceyda play 3 games, and the final result is 2-1 for Ceyda, then the main point definitely goes to girls. Is it clear? Or you prefer to play only one game?

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67. Cristina ,

I think that ynwa meant if there the score is 2-0 for a player, then it is needless to play the third match.

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68. YNWA,

yes that's right.

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69. His-girlfriend ,

I understand the point, but me personaly would feel better if I won atleast third game... Don't you have the same?

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70. Vojvoda ,

Guys there will be played three matches, for example bastibasti VS Cristina and they will play three times and who has more wins he gets points. And I think score should be 350 at least

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71. His-girlfriend ,

I wondered about the score, but 3 games will take a lot of time, and for some people it is 2 o'clock 2 in the morning. I think even 250 can make for some people a long playing, so let's stay with that.

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72. Epic_Krrish,

well 3 game of limit 250 looks fine, and its up to the players if they want to play the third game if he or she loses 2 in a row. In my opinion she or he will try to take avenges or atleast try to finish or go out on a winning note. My suggestion is to have 1 game and increase the limit to 4 to 450 in this way players have chance to do come back in a game if they are losing rather than playing 3 games. I've seen in tournaments 450 is a good limit because it gives you to set up your stretigies as the games progresses. For instants, in limit of 250 players usually get read of their wild cardds because it can be too risky but once the limit is higher then players can finish a round with a boom! Just my thoughts.

Regards Krrish.

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73. Paddy_Irishman,

450 by 4 would take way too long in my personal opinion. i also agree with christina and ynwa that if one player wins the first 2 games the 3rd game has no real purpose. I mean even if the person who did not win the first 2 games wins the 3rd game they are still out at the end, so in my opinion, unless one player wins one game, and there is a different winner for the second game, there should be no need for a 3rd game.

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74. Cristina ,

Ah, I got your point badgirl.
You mean to play 3 matches and see who will get more points for his or her team.
We are playing to get points for the team of girls or boys, then it makes sense.
But in this case I guess, we should play just 2 matches, one for girl the other for boy.
If any of them is enough lucky, then he/she may get 2 points for his/her team.
The score limit should be 350 if we will play just 2 matches.

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75. Vojvoda ,

Maybe interesting would be to count wins, if I play against furki and I win two games and she one, we give two points to boys and one to girls

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Zuletzt geändert von Vojvoda , Feb 23 2017 15:25:18

76. His-girlfriend ,

Wojewoda, I find your idea interesting but not very fair, cause if somebody is really stronger, this person will get 3 points for his group and that makes a big difference. I am the nearest now to two games, and make it 3 if the result is 1/1. Anyway, it seems I need one girl more to tournament unless estrelavega will agree to play earlier.

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77. Oana-tN,

suwe'l play 2 or 3 matches?

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78. Paddy_Irishman,

i disagree with playing just 2 games and giving a point to the winners, no strategy there. i think that the 3 game idea should be kept as it is, where there are 3 games played, though i still think the rule that if a player win 2 games in a row, there should need to be a 3rd game.

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79. Vojvoda ,

Tell me why should you lose time and play third game if you won already two

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80. Fawaz,

cause its about earning points for your group, not for your self.
so 3 matches, can be 3 points for boys, or 2 points for boys and 1 point for girls.. so on.

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81. Paddy_Irishman,

i agree with vojvoda as i have stated twice above, if there are normally 3 matches and 1 player wins 2, there is no need for a third

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82. His-girlfriend ,

Final rules.
No no Fawaz. This vojvoda proposes, the system you are talking about, but I find it unfair, cause if there is really good player and play with a weak one then he earns 3 points, what gives this group a big step forward. The final decision is that we can play 3 games. The third game doesn't have to be played if two of opponent agree about it. If one of them wants to play, or both of course, then the third game will be played. I am sure you don't mind it guys as all of us who take part in tournament just like playing uno, so extra game shouldn't be a problem and can give a bit better feeling for a person who lost two matches and may win a third one. Anyway. Person, who gives all 3-games game gives a point to his/her group. If there will be still a time, and atleast 80% of players is still online we can play a big final match if there is the same number of points for guys and girls. Hope for a good fun.

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83. Nikola-Jovic ,

I want to play

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84. His-girlfriend ,

New change. Because 2 girls resigned, and even more can just not come I am forced to make a new rule. If somebody stays without partner, because somebody will not come, the person who is single can choose one of people from the oposite group. So for example, if Nicola has no partner he can say with which girl he would like to play and if she have a time and strength they will play even if she played before with somebody else. That is possible cause it is group work, not individual fight for a medal.

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85. dalibor,

Hello girls and other amateurs here, Because Estrelavega will not come and I will not have my opponent I challenge all girls from the tournament to play against me. All of the girls group who are available to play tomorrow I challenge all of you.

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86. Nikola-Jovic ,

Looks like someone didn't understand the tournament isn't to proove who's the best individual player :)

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87. dalibor,

maybe nikola girl and he must to replay to this mesage oh sorry nikola you girl yes i know but i will give you to win me

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88. Nikola-Jovic ,


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89. policeman1,

Maybe dalaber needs to be in the girl side since we do not have a girl identifier or magnifier. Also this suppose to be guys verses girls and females get ready to go down!.

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90. Nikola-Jovic ,


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