quiz party tournament

4 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: -2

1. aayushi,

Hi I want to organize a quiz party tournament it will be next sonday at morning 10 ist. please convert to your time zone. it will have 8, 12 or 16 people depending and each table will have 4 people. the winner of the table will advants to another tournament and then the winner will be decided.

Score: -1

2. unolover,

hi cownt me in

Score: +0

3. AlirezaDarkk,

Hello I would like to register for the quiz party tournament.

Score: +0

Last edited by AlirezaDarkk, Apr 18 2024 15:06:15

4. aayushi,

i am not sure what to do only 3 ppl are there we can only do one round which Is not the point of tournaments. If no one else joins I need to cansel the tournament as 3 people will play and it will be shorter.

Score: +0

Last edited by aayushi, sunday 18:48

4 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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