Suggestion of Jungle game (ongoing)

6 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +4

1. Emrah20,

I have a question. Can You add a jungle game here? Maybe somebody of You have heard about It. If You don't know, what It is, here is article on Wikipedia.

Score: +0

2. medhansh,

it is a quiet interesting. I am in favour of adding this game.

Score: +0

3. aayushi,

that's fabulous! We must definitely have it. its my favorite game and its cool.

Score: +0

4. GeorgeWu,

That would be a cool game to add

Score: +0

5. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I think Philip on Blastbay Studios made a game like this and called jungle as well. I wonder if it's the same concept

Score: +1

6. Emrah20,

Yeah, this is game, which I've suggested. I know about It, but BGT is out of date and also, there were many people, who will play this game.

Score: +0

6 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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