problem or probably the bug with instagram web

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1. gemmi,

hello folks, hope this message finds you well.
I'm having a problem when viewing direct messages on Instagram web. the screen reader says "double tap to like." instead of the message. would you people help me out in confirming that is it a bug or a problem from my side by checking the issue at your end?

Score: +0

2. aims,

same here. and it doesnt even tell you who send the message when you are looking at your chats. it says something like User avatar. not helpful

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3. aakash,

use mobile version of the app.

Score: +0

4. gemmi,

not everyone is rich as you :d

Score: -1

5. aims,

I do use the app on the phone, but sometimes it would be nice to just respond to messages and stuff right there on the pc

Score: +0

6. Ryo-Bee,

Hi. The problem of reading the username is now solved, and if the person only sends you one message it is possible to read it before opening the thread. If the person sends you multiple messages, a work around to access messages on the web is:

-Navigate until the first message by going back according to the profile it says you are on, scroll down to more and go right arrow to copy.
-Paste and read the message.
-Escape/tab out and repeat on the next message to get all.

Score: +0

7. gemmi,

hey there, I discovered that earlier, but thank you so much for pointing out this for me. but hey, we have another problem, too. problem in reading the voice messages. I think there's not any workaround for that. also.

Score: +0

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