a doubt on black jack.

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1. SamuelR,

  1. i just wonder why there is statistics with bots, and there is no without bots statistics.
  2. What is the use of insurance on blackjack. since even if we use the insurance we still loose it.
  3. what is the maximum amount of chips we can bet?

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Last edited by SamuelR, Jul 9 2013 12:31:54

2. Aminiel,

  1. Since black jack is always a game against the dealer, it doesn't make any difference if you play with or without bots. Therefore classements and stats are the same.
  2. The insurrance is there to insurre against the dealer making black jack. If the dealer makes a black jack, you will never win, of course, but with the insurrance you are sure that you finally wont lose anything.
  3. You can bet anything you want between 1 and all your chips.

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3. Sektor ,

Actually, I have another Question. what is the maximum amount of chips we can have?


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4. Aminiel,

I have another Question. what is the maximum amount of chips we can have?

You can have up to 100000000 chips. If you win more, your stock is caped down.

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