Statistics: Uno

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General game statistics of Uno

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
2 (100%) 0 (0%) 2 (0%)
Deutsch 2 273 (11.28%) 17 870 (88.72%) 20 143 (1.52%)
English 221 679 (43.97%) 282 442 (56.03%) 504 121 (38.01%)
Español 78 913 (33.04%) 159 937 (66.96%) 238 850 (18.01%)
Français 101 049 (37.2%) 170 552 (62.8%) 271 601 (20.48%)
Italiano 24 564 (21.57%) 89 341 (78.43%) 113 905 (8.59%)
Português 50 379 (33.47%) 100 146 (66.53%) 150 525 (11.35%)
русский 7 696 (36.06%) 13 649 (63.94%) 21 345 (1.61%)
Srpski 1 751 (30.77%) 3 940 (69.23%) 5 691 (0.43%)
2 (25%) 6 (75%) 8 (0%)
Total 488 308 (36.82%) 837 883 (63.18%) 1 326 191
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
46 (79.31%) 12 (20.69%) 58 (0%)
Deutsch 27 085 (11.88%) 200 911 (88.12%) 227 996 (1.06%)
English 3 496 101 (38.74%) 5 527 901 (61.26%) 9 024 002 (42.05%)
Español 983 155 (26.3%) 2 754 828 (73.7%) 3 737 983 (17.42%)
Français 1 088 391 (27.78%) 2 829 839 (72.22%) 3 918 230 (18.26%)
Italiano 237 074 (13.64%) 1 500 556 (86.36%) 1 737 630 (8.1%)
Português 703 217 (29.44%) 1 685 175 (70.56%) 2 388 392 (11.13%)
русский 75 775 (23.42%) 247 745 (76.58%) 323 520 (1.51%)
Srpski 31 314 (31.19%) 69 098 (68.81%) 100 412 (0.47%)
13 (19.4%) 54 (80.6%) 67 (0%)
Total 6 642 171 (30.95%) 14 816 119 (69.05%) 21 458 290

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games1 326 313340.52 38410 216124 378
Rounds21 459 6465 51038 569165 2952 012 422
Rounds in finished games15 541 0673 99027 931119 7061 457 396

Approximatively 72.42% of the games are played to their end, while 27.58% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. Epic_Krrish: 252 697 rounds played
  2. medo: 227 630 rounds played
  3. policeman1: 195 359 rounds played
  4. undertaker: 191 609 rounds played
  5. Gresko: 189 964 rounds played
  6. Fawaz: 145 109 rounds played
  7. Angelina-princess: 113 539 rounds played
  8. Paulo: 107 501 rounds played
  9. diegoelfamoso: 106 327 rounds played
  10. hoangcuong1404: 104 727 rounds played
  11. mogo: 101 120 rounds played
  12. Guitasma: 98 915 rounds played
  13. Someone: 97 896 rounds played
  14. mohammed_albasha: 95 828 rounds played
  15. dalibor: 94 527 rounds played
  16. genti: 94 096 rounds played
  17. anasunflower: 93 166 rounds played
  18. shayo: 89 752 rounds played
  19. miroslav: 87 431 rounds played
  20. Marel24: 85 024 rounds played
  21. Marina: 81 259 rounds played
  22. Qais: 80 804 rounds played
  23. yanet: 80 329 rounds played
  24. ariran89: 80 024 rounds played
  25. mauropianos: 78 105 rounds played
  26. Lemonade: 76 860 rounds played
  27. Sylvie007: 76 032 rounds played
  28. makaveli : 75 460 rounds played
  29. noireau: 75 231 rounds played
  30. guadagirl: 75 005 rounds played

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