Statistics: Rummy

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General game statistics of Rummy

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 556 (24.63%) 1 701 (75.37%) 2 257 (0.41%)
English 62 959 (32.03%) 133 591 (67.97%) 196 550 (35.72%)
Español 8 785 (13.96%) 54 157 (86.04%) 62 942 (11.44%)
Français 21 032 (24.01%) 66 556 (75.99%) 87 588 (15.92%)
Italiano 44 350 (37.05%) 75 365 (62.95%) 119 715 (21.76%)
Português 14 403 (26.67%) 39 594 (73.33%) 53 997 (9.81%)
русский 7 132 (27.79%) 18 531 (72.21%) 25 663 (4.66%)
Srpski 349 (23.01%) 1 168 (76.99%) 1 517 (0.28%)
Total 159 566 (29%) 390 663 (71%) 550 229
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 4 365 (11.61%) 33 234 (88.39%) 37 599 (0.47%)
English 757 457 (23.67%) 2 443 216 (76.33%) 3 200 673 (39.98%)
Español 92 668 (11.19%) 735 621 (88.81%) 828 289 (10.35%)
Français 213 680 (16.5%) 1 081 604 (83.5%) 1 295 284 (16.18%)
Italiano 426 200 (27.93%) 1 099 629 (72.07%) 1 525 829 (19.06%)
Português 121 792 (18.17%) 548 515 (81.83%) 670 307 (8.37%)
русский 112 396 (26.31%) 314 789 (73.69%) 427 185 (5.34%)
Srpski 3 504 (17.67%) 16 321 (82.33%) 19 825 (0.25%)
Total 1 732 062 (21.64%) 6 272 929 (78.36%) 8 004 991

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~550 230147.91 0354 43654 008
~Rounds~8 005 0012 15115 05964 538785 729
~RoundsInFinishedGames~2 699 624725.55 07821 765264 981

Approximatively 33.72% of the games are played to their end, while 66.28% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. fabio: 84 105 rounds played
  2. cortez64: 62 270 rounds played
  3. jean-marc: 34 453 rounds played
  4. kotyonok: 31 466 rounds played
  5. Pedigree: 27 907 rounds played
  6. sivasliosman: 26 444 rounds played
  7. abdomaq: 25 088 rounds played
  8. Cathie: 24 301 rounds played
  9. elfraile: 24 149 rounds played
  10. nurtekin-sahin: 23 882 rounds played
  11. attilio: 22 292 rounds played
  12. petrus: 21 399 rounds played
  13. rocchino: 21 339 rounds played
  14. ariran89: 20 889 rounds played
  15. haydar: 19 783 rounds played
  16. dumitraizabela: 19 434 rounds played
  17. Marie-Claude: 18 780 rounds played
  18. moito: 18 745 rounds played
  19. picaxu: 18 096 rounds played
  20. albinuta2: 18 058 rounds played
  21. sognidoro: 17 292 rounds played
  22. RoughAndHard: 17 239 rounds played
  23. miriam: 16 888 rounds played
  24. tomo1: 16 749 rounds played
  25. Karolle: 16 383 rounds played
  26. denni52: 16 373 rounds played
  27. infiltrado: 16 076 rounds played
  28. Gennady: 15 888 rounds played
  29. guga: 15 627 rounds played
  30. fleurette: 15 467 rounds played

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