Statistics: Spades

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General game statistics of Spades

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 0 (0%) 5 (100%) 5 (0%)
English 43 140 (28.81%) 106 593 (71.19%) 149 733 (63.29%)
Español 2 807 (11.63%) 21 338 (88.37%) 24 145 (10.21%)
Français 10 061 (29.53%) 24 004 (70.47%) 34 065 (14.4%)
Italiano 341 (3.77%) 8 705 (96.23%) 9 046 (3.82%)
Português 631 (3.51%) 17 350 (96.49%) 17 981 (7.6%)
русский 196 (15.77%) 1 047 (84.23%) 1 243 (0.53%)
Srpski 54 (14.44%) 320 (85.56%) 374 (0.16%)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Total 57 230 (24.19%) 179 362 (75.81%) 236 592
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 0 (0%) 280 (100%) 280 (0.01%)
English 356 969 (24.9%) 1 076 914 (75.1%) 1 433 883 (62.24%)
Español 18 524 (8.02%) 212 563 (91.98%) 231 087 (10.03%)
Français 99 578 (28.81%) 246 111 (71.19%) 345 689 (15.01%)
Italiano 3 048 (2.65%) 111 831 (97.35%) 114 879 (4.99%)
Português 4 993 (3.09%) 156 452 (96.91%) 161 445 (7.01%)
русский 1 497 (11.62%) 11 388 (88.38%) 12 885 (0.56%)
Srpski 470 (13.03%) 3 136 (86.97%) 3 606 (0.16%)
0 (0%) 22 (100%) 22 (0%)
Total 485 079 (21.06%) 1 818 697 (78.94%) 2 303 776

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~236 59463.67445.71 91023 254
~Rounds~2 303 790619.94 34018 598226 432
~RoundsInFinishedGames~1 433 311385.72 70011 571140 875

Approximatively 62.22% of the games are played to their end, while 37.78% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. alli: 105 310 rounds played
  2. kellie: 51 361 rounds played
  3. lino: 50 622 rounds played
  4. chipss : 49 802 rounds played
  5. reis80: 41 450 rounds played
  6. laila.ali: 35 547 rounds played
  7. alesia: 34 840 rounds played
  8. vulcano: 33 790 rounds played
  9. zieddu: 33 261 rounds played
  10. eenie: 32 325 rounds played
  11. jose: 30 382 rounds played
  12. ferit: 29 615 rounds played
  13. bursaliefee: 24 830 rounds played
  14. bullswool: 24 596 rounds played
  15. jesusamable: 23 855 rounds played
  16. serbian : 23 055 rounds played
  17. knarf: 22 878 rounds played
  18. dave: 22 635 rounds played
  19. TheHoustonKid: 21 417 rounds played
  20. atawalpa: 21 213 rounds played
  21. Diaabloazul: 21 109 rounds played
  22. tree-tree: 19 727 rounds played
  23. chipss : 19 544 rounds played
  24. genti: 19 258 rounds played
  25. Serbian: 18 564 rounds played
  26. azawagh: 17 954 rounds played
  27. phyllis: 17 857 rounds played
  28. undertaker: 17 788 rounds played
  29. s.sanjari: 17 431 rounds played
  30. zulfqar007: 17 076 rounds played

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