Statistics: Belote

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General game statistics of Belote

Last reset: Dec 25 2015 22:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 0 (0%) 70 (100%) 70 (0.06%)
English 5 236 (20.58%) 20 207 (79.42%) 25 443 (23.49%)
Español 4 (0.25%) 1 619 (99.75%) 1 623 (1.5%)
Français 14 727 (19.31%) 61 528 (80.69%) 76 255 (70.39%)
Italiano 3 (0.17%) 1 739 (99.83%) 1 742 (1.61%)
Português 6 (1.11%) 534 (98.89%) 540 (0.5%)
русский 112 (4.89%) 2 178 (95.11%) 2 290 (2.11%)
Srpski 2 (0.55%) 363 (99.45%) 365 (0.34%)
Total 20 090 (18.55%) 88 238 (81.45%) 108 328
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 0 (0%) 741 (100%) 741 (0.06%)
English 61 751 (18.56%) 270 884 (81.44%) 332 635 (24.71%)
Español 27 (0.09%) 30 515 (99.91%) 30 542 (2.27%)
Français 165 226 (17.96%) 754 730 (82.04%) 919 956 (68.35%)
Italiano 50 (0.25%) 19 953 (99.75%) 20 003 (1.49%)
Português 74 (1.04%) 7 045 (98.96%) 7 119 (0.53%)
русский 1 215 (4.04%) 28 853 (95.96%) 30 068 (2.23%)
Srpski 26 (0.53%) 4 842 (99.47%) 4 868 (0.36%)
Total 228 369 (16.97%) 1 117 563 (83.03%) 1 345 932

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~108 32835.59249.11 06812 998
~Rounds~1 345 933442.23 09513 265161 498
~RoundsInFinishedGames~1 003 782329.82 3089 893120 443

Approximatively 74.58% of the games are played to their end, while 25.42% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. Titine68: 50 114 rounds played
  2. Starsky: 47 498 rounds played
  3. malice: 45 241 rounds played
  4. saladin009: 42 672 rounds played
  5. rose35590: 37 664 rounds played
  6. freedom: 31 953 rounds played
  7. Lucia: 28 470 rounds played
  8. cajoline68: 28 267 rounds played
  9. alesia: 25 368 rounds played
  10. bernard11: 24 259 rounds played
  11. elsa: 22 918 rounds played
  12. tandemiste: 22 421 rounds played
  13. jose: 22 041 rounds played
  14. azize: 21 271 rounds played
  15. flocon: 21 236 rounds played
  16. azawagh: 20 987 rounds played
  17. kellie: 19 757 rounds played
  18. blaise97: 19 271 rounds played
  19. cristina : 19 215 rounds played
  20. aurel: 17 401 rounds played
  21. armonie: 17 016 rounds played
  22. licou : 16 925 rounds played
  23. Dacus: 16 919 rounds played
  24. Cupidon: 16 863 rounds played
  25. sarah: 16 331 rounds played
  26. Cathie: 15 489 rounds played
  27. Shango: 14 935 rounds played
  28. abderrahmane: 14 911 rounds played
  29. ange: 14 525 rounds played
  30. furki: 14 372 rounds played

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