Statistics: Rummy/Elimination mode

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General game statistics of Rummy/Elimination mode

Last reset: Apr 21 2014 05:48:04

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 6 (2.36%) 248 (97.64%) 254 (2.06%)
English 453 (14.12%) 2 755 (85.88%) 3 208 (26.07%)
Español 83 (9.56%) 785 (90.44%) 868 (7.06%)
Français 66 (2.95%) 2 169 (97.05%) 2 235 (18.17%)
Italiano 221 (4.06%) 5 219 (95.94%) 5 440 (44.22%)
Português 11 (4.35%) 242 (95.65%) 253 (2.06%)
русский 6 (14.29%) 36 (85.71%) 42 (0.34%)
Srpski 1 (33.33%) 2 (66.67%) 3 (0.02%)
Total 847 (6.88%) 11 456 (93.12%) 12 303
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 147 (0.83%) 17 467 (99.17%) 17 614 (3.79%)
English 9 683 (9.57%) 91 548 (90.43%) 101 231 (21.8%)
Español 1 213 (2.38%) 49 688 (97.62%) 50 901 (10.96%)
Français 1 001 (1.39%) 70 906 (98.61%) 71 907 (15.48%)
Italiano 5 191 (2.49%) 203 409 (97.51%) 208 600 (44.92%)
Português 193 (1.62%) 11 723 (98.38%) 11 916 (2.57%)
русский 294 (14.21%) 1 775 (85.79%) 2 069 (0.45%)
Srpski 55 (39.57%) 84 (60.43%) 139 (0.03%)
Total 17 777 (3.83%) 446 600 (96.17%) 464 377

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games12 3033.2322.6497.021 181
Rounds464 377122.1854.43 66244 582
Rounds in finished games133 76135.16246.11 05512 842

Approximatively 28.8% of the games are played to their end, while 71.2% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. monnalisa: 42 597 rounds played
  2. giusy0304: 25 998 rounds played
  3. miroceric: 15 071 rounds played
  4. koko: 7 051 rounds played
  5. martaacebedo: 6 013 rounds played
  6. Katari: 3 050 rounds played
  7. nougatine: 2 834 rounds played
  8. anaivancevic: 2 558 rounds played
  9. nico74: 2 468 rounds played
  10. bryanelrey: 1 565 rounds played
  11. symplonium: 1 315 rounds played
  12. gabriel-fla: 1 140 rounds played
  13. ifera: 1 072 rounds played
  14. Stefano10: 1 038 rounds played
  15. SummerSun704: 983 rounds played
  16. berivan: 924 rounds played
  17. Pandagirl20: 883 rounds played
  18. m.g.maria: 880 rounds played
  19. mary24: 804 rounds played
  20. mister_osbal: 708 rounds played
  21. diabolik: 663 rounds played
  22. minapaco: 648 rounds played
  23. sunil.j: 642 rounds played
  24. Rozana: 623 rounds played
  25. Fireball79: 588 rounds played
  26. mirsad: 547 rounds played
  27. alesia: 529 rounds played
  28. diegoelfamoso: 457 rounds played
  29. markus75: 428 rounds played
  30. nader44: 421 rounds played

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