Statistics: Jass

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General game statistics of Jass

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 4 (0.75%) 531 (99.25%) 535 (1.95%)
English 175 (5.07%) 3 274 (94.93%) 3 449 (12.55%)
Español 1 (0.08%) 1 209 (99.92%) 1 210 (4.4%)
Français 24 (0.15%) 16 492 (99.85%) 16 516 (60.1%)
Italiano 34 (2.94%) 1 121 (97.06%) 1 155 (4.2%)
Português 15 (0.38%) 3 899 (99.62%) 3 914 (14.24%)
русский 313 (44.97%) 383 (55.03%) 696 (2.53%)
Srpski 0 (0%) 3 (100%) 3 (0.01%)
Total 566 (2.06%) 26 912 (97.94%) 27 478
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 42 (0.53%) 7 811 (99.47%) 7 853 (2.18%)
English 2 108 (4%) 50 574 (96%) 52 682 (14.61%)
Español 23 (0.15%) 15 383 (99.85%) 15 406 (4.27%)
Français 388 (0.17%) 222 045 (99.83%) 222 433 (61.69%)
Italiano 431 (3.16%) 13 218 (96.84%) 13 649 (3.79%)
Português 250 (0.62%) 40 375 (99.38%) 40 625 (11.27%)
русский 2 937 (37.42%) 4 912 (62.58%) 7 849 (2.18%)
Srpski 0 (0%) 84 (100%) 84 (0.02%)
Total 6 179 (1.71%) 354 402 (98.29%) 360 581

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~27 4797.3851.67221.42 696
~Rounds~360 59496.856782 90635 376
~RoundsInFinishedGames~271 09372.82509.72 18426 595

Approximatively 75.18% of the games are played to their end, while 24.82% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. lilirose: 61 585 rounds played
  2. Kalimero: 29 517 rounds played
  3. uliatis: 29 188 rounds played
  4. brindemuguet: 20 350 rounds played
  5. bugati: 20 343 rounds played
  6. Foxie: 19 174 rounds played
  7. Simbad: 7 353 rounds played
  8. DeConne: 7 348 rounds played
  9. chantily: 5 102 rounds played
  10. saladin009: 4 929 rounds played
  11. zazoui: 4 869 rounds played
  12. benfica: 4 861 rounds played
  13. cristiny: 4 507 rounds played
  14. freedom: 3 971 rounds played
  15. abrikos: 3 930 rounds played
  16. Larisa: 3 808 rounds played
  17. picaxu: 3 701 rounds played
  18. lesik: 3 695 rounds played
  19. princesse: 3 651 rounds played
  20. kairi: 3 513 rounds played
  21. ormancI: 3 025 rounds played
  22. dj.andres: 3 002 rounds played
  23. kaptankork: 2 746 rounds played
  24. brisaleve: 2 729 rounds played
  25. andreabolzoni: 2 594 rounds played
  26. Arya: 2 534 rounds played
  27. maricel: 2 273 rounds played
  28. mirra: 2 211 rounds played
  29. Dojdik: 1 984 rounds played
  30. Ilcavalieretemplare: 1 912 rounds played

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