Statistics: Barbu

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General game statistics of Barbu

Last reset: Oct 4 2020 00:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 0 (0%) 59 (100%) 59 (0.35%)
English 219 (6.48%) 3 161 (93.52%) 3 380 (19.88%)
Español 9 (0.39%) 2 326 (99.61%) 2 335 (13.73%)
Français 194 (4.19%) 4 440 (95.81%) 4 634 (27.25%)
Italiano 28 (1.4%) 1 966 (98.6%) 1 994 (11.73%)
Português 175 (4.67%) 3 571 (95.33%) 3 746 (22.03%)
русский 18 (2.2%) 801 (97.8%) 819 (4.82%)
Srpski 2 (5.56%) 34 (94.44%) 36 (0.21%)
Total 645 (3.79%) 16 358 (96.21%) 17 003
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 0 (0%) 826 (100%) 826 (0.28%)
English 3 836 (6.61%) 54 227 (93.39%) 58 063 (19.52%)
Español 163 (0.38%) 42 938 (99.62%) 43 101 (14.49%)
Français 2 694 (3.08%) 84 747 (96.92%) 87 441 (29.4%)
Italiano 901 (3.02%) 28 913 (96.98%) 29 814 (10.02%)
Português 2 806 (4.24%) 63 330 (95.76%) 66 136 (22.24%)
русский 256 (2.26%) 11 058 (97.74%) 11 314 (3.8%)
Srpski 23 (3.21%) 693 (96.79%) 716 (0.24%)
Total 10 679 (3.59%) 286 732 (96.41%) 297 411

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~17 00313.1491.97394.24 799
~Rounds~297 411229.81 6096 89483 937
~RoundsInFinishedGames~240 7661861 3025 58167 950

Approximatively 80.95% of the games are played to their end, while 19.05% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. discreto: 1 182 games played
  2. amadeu: 839 games played
  3. gangster: 689 games played
  4. kairi: 581 games played
  5. Roucoucou: 551 games played
  6. adiger: 542 games played
  7. moustique : 487 games played
  8. pascool: 466 games played
  9. pintassilgo: 417 games played
  10. Kami: 392 games played
  11. quibat: 382 games played
  12. princesse: 356 games played
  13. michelino: 344 games played
  14. coffee-lover: 339 games played
  15. bobinette: 324 games played
  16. caniche-rose: 300 games played
  17. scoubidou: 289 games played
  18. mermelada: 260 games played
  19. Macphisto: 206 games played
  20. jalaska: 194 games played
  21. infiltrado: 192 games played
  22. miklg56: 191 games played
  23. sofi53: 167 games played
  24. lluss: 165 games played
  25. Hasta-el-fin: 157 games played
  26. maiden666: 154 games played
  27. korent: 151 games played
  28. sansonnettes: 150 games played
  29. alfaomega: 148 games played
  30. Nelito54: 146 games played

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