Statistics: Go [Beta]

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General game statistics of Go [Beta]

Last reset: Apr 25 2021 09:54:05

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 0 (0%) 3 (100%) 3 (0.23%)
English 55 (7.9%) 641 (92.1%) 696 (54.21%)
Español 32 (12.9%) 216 (87.1%) 248 (19.31%)
Français 1 (0.78%) 127 (99.22%) 128 (9.97%)
Italiano 3 (3.66%) 79 (96.34%) 82 (6.39%)
Português 8 (8.42%) 87 (91.58%) 95 (7.4%)
русский 7 (24.14%) 22 (75.86%) 29 (2.26%)
Srpski 0 (0%) 3 (100%) 3 (0.23%)
Total 106 (8.26%) 1 178 (91.74%) 1 284
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 0 (0%) 3 (100%) 3 (0.23%)
English 55 (7.9%) 641 (92.1%) 696 (54.21%)
Español 32 (12.9%) 216 (87.1%) 248 (19.31%)
Français 1 (0.78%) 127 (99.22%) 128 (9.97%)
Italiano 3 (3.66%) 79 (96.34%) 82 (6.39%)
Português 8 (8.42%) 87 (91.58%) 95 (7.4%)
русский 7 (24.14%) 22 (75.86%) 29 (2.26%)
Srpski 0 (0%) 3 (100%) 3 (0.23%)
Total 106 (8.26%) 1 178 (91.74%) 1 284

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~1 2841.178.2235.21428.7

Duration of games :

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. husbal78: 75 games played
  2. AnnWritesInspiration: 55 games played
  3. enerji: 29 games played
  4. sashakozlovskiy: 24 games played
  5. misheard : 23 games played
  6. emilus: 21 games played
  7. thipote: 17 games played
  8. asia69: 15 games played
  9. Nikola: 14 games played
  10. principessa: 13 games played
  11. jeanlucdo: 13 games played
  12. jarek: 13 games played
  13. Sylphrena: 11 games played
  14. Orsabianca: 11 games played
  15. urso: 11 games played
  16. chorizard: 10 games played
  17. cormoran: 10 games played
  18. elpapi_de_los_helados: 9 games played
  19. simon: 9 games played
  20. doidus: 8 games played
  21. drak: 8 games played
  22. meiffert: 8 games played
  23. marrugue: 8 games played
  24. Sari: 8 games played
  25. lwiczka11: 7 games played
  26. Florent77: 7 games played
  27. dinomind: 7 games played
  28. coach: 7 games played
  29. mehmetceyhan: 7 games played
  30. chan: 7 games played

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