Why don't bots take place of leaving players?

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1. kumandan,

Often, I play uno and people just leave in the middle of the game. I remember, bots used to take the place of leaving players. Why doesn't this happen now, is there a setting I need to change?

Score: +0

2. Aminiel,


This is normal for uno. In fact, it depends on the game.

In many games such as uno, the game can continue without problem even if someone leaves in the middle. You just have to put back the cards that the player had into the draw pile, and voilà, the game can continue with one player less, as long as they are at least still two.
That's also just what happens in the real life when someone has to leave an uno game.

In many other games, if someone has do leave in the middle, you have to wait for him/her to come back or find a player who can take his/her place. Otherwise you have no choice but stopping the game, if you can't wait.
IN such games, bots take the place of players who leave the table in the middle, so that the game can continue without waiting. But they do so only if it's absolutely required.
That's the case, for example, in trick-taking games like spades, jass, belote or tarot, and in all the games where you can't just throw out what a player did in the game so easily as in uno.

Score: +1

3. kumandan,

This is problematic if we're playing with just 2 players and the whole game goes boom when the other player leaves. Would you consider adding an option so that bots take the place of the leaving player when the number of players is 2?

Score: +0

4. Ryo-Bee,

Hi, to add to this topic about bots. It would be great if there was a way to kick bots from a table and not have them rejoin. Some games when our friend gets disconnected, we would like to save and restore to replace later but it's hard to do that without the bot playing, and possible ruining the game. It would be great if we could quickly kick them and save.

Score: +1

5. Nikola,

What should happen here is some mechanism like, a player leaves, a bot comes. When it's his turn, you receive some message like, press B to make the bot play. This would apply only to the first turn of the bot of course. This would allow you to choose whether you want the bot to play, or you know your friend is coming back and you will just replace back whenever he's ready.

In my view, a bot should also always replace a player, but in games where this is not necessary, if you kick this replacing bot, another one won't come. That way, you were the one who chose to continue the game with a smaller number of players, and games 1V1 won't completely be destroyed.

I've also wondered why a bot needs to come in for Duck racing. In theory, can't we also just return all cards of a player to the deck and possibly all cards dropped by him on the board?

Score: +2

Dernière édition par Nikola, 01.08.2023 16:48

6. multiplex,

Drives me crazy in 1000 Miles when a person joins, I kick the bot, but it's replaced by another bot. Is there a way to just reduce the players to just humans? In such, cases the other person usually leaves.

Score: +0

7. blaise97,

to do this, press ctrl r. this allow you to replace a player by another one, so you can replace a human by another or of course, a bot by a human. so in short, you press ctrl r, then you shouse the player that you want to replace, in your case the bot and press enter. you will be asked with who you wish to replace, then you press enter on the human that you want to take part in the game.
i op this help.

Score: +0

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