How Does Automatic Account Deletion Actually Work? (en cours)

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1. Nade,

I've been wondering something for quite some time already, but lately a bit more often, automatic account deletion.
As some of us may know, accounts here get automatically deleted if they've been inactive for a year, if I'm not mistaken. But what made me think about it is the fact that, if you've made at least a single post on the forum, your account will not get deleted regardless of your how long you haven't been active at all, so I'm really curious to know how it exactly works.
It's not about questioning how it currently works, but more about understanding the mechanics behind it, and, in adition to it, if it did not depend on forum posts, suddenly there would be a larger ammount of available nicknames for players who can't change to a specific nickname, only because the account hasn't been active for 5+ years.
I'm guessing this might be more of a developer thing, so I don't really expect any other user to have the answer, but it would be great if so.
Any clarification on this would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,

Score: +0

2. CathyAnne,

Oh, I didn't know that accounts get deleted if they haven't been used for a year. Well, it seems as though I will be using my account on this server more often. I am also on the RS games server as well.

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