2 bugs in the Zanzibar game.

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Score: +7

1. Qais,


Here are 2 bugs in the Zanzibar game.
The rules page says:

At strictly equivalent combination, the last player who played wins. In particular, a new 421 beats another 421, and a new 221 beats an older 221.

But this does not happen, Here is an example:

Daddy duck rolls the dice: 4 2 1
It's your turn.
You roll the dice: 4 2 1
You pick 10 tokens.

This happens in the both phases.

The second bug is not as important as the first one.

in your turn, before rolling the dice, if you press shift+0:

You roll the dice: 1 0 0

If you still have remaining tries, you will get a new combination by pressing enter. Otherwise, if it was your last try, the game will freeze and you will have to restart the game.

Score: +5

Dernière édition par Qais, 25.09.2022 22:00

2. gfriha,

I agree with him.
With the first one the rules can be changed to fix it.
But the second one, depending in how it's a bit annoying because you need to restart the game.
Could you try to fix them, please?

Score: +3

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