bug with the chess

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1. mr.miguel,

hello everyone, this is my first post here on the forum, but i've been playing playroom for 2 or 3 years now.
today, i decided to start playing chess, and i loved it! the function to see the available moves for the piece is great, it helped me a lot to understand the game mechanics and to understand how it is played.
but today, during a game with a friend, i found what i think is a bug. i was playing white, in this he checks my rook in the left corner, and i can't play any more pieces because it says i should be checking, and moves like advancing the pawn from g3 to g4, which was perfectly fine. possible, it continued to present the same message making me unplayable and forces me to restart the game.
I appreciate all the help you can give me.
Best regards.
sorry for the english, i'm from portugal and i use google translator.

Score: +0

2. Nikola,

being in Check means that your king is in danger of being captured next turn, and that is not allowed.
When this happens, you need to plan the move to eliminate this danger.
Either by moving the King to a different square that isn't attacked by your opponent, moving a piece in front of the threat in such a way to block it, or capturing the piece that is attacking your king, either with the king itself or with other pieces when possible.

Chess is a very popular game across the world, so you should be able to find quite a lot of explanations about game rules in your language which should make it much easier to play. Learning only on the Playroom alone can be quite difficult.

Hope that helps.

Score: +0

3. mr.miguel,


Score: +0

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